Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Little About Me

Hi again! I thought that before I formally start blogging, I should introduce myself and share a little about me. My name's Lexie, and I've loved to cook for as long as I can remember. When I was two or three I would help make Christmas cookies. A few years later, around when I was four or five, I would help make dinner. Most of the books I check out from the library are cookbooks, and even if I don't make anything, I love to read the recipes and create some of my own. I especially love baking! I have to admit, the chocolate mousse I make is pretty awesome. If I had to give you some advice on cooking I'd tell you to sniff the cream before you try to whip it. It's not good to use if it comes out in lumps. I have a lot of experience with bad milk and the like. And watch those pots. Don't pour water on a grease fire. Use baking soda or sand. If it IS a normal fire I would suggest water. Yes, the knives go on the right. So do the spoons. When taking the eyes out of a fish you can use a paring knife or a vegetable peeler. Fresh fish is NOT raw fish. Put your hair back as to not creep out your guests or family. You can't blame it on the dog in this situation. Most importantly, remember that Si vous ne supportez pas la chaleur, rester en dehors de la cuisine!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Welcome to the Kitchen!

Hi, world! I love food and love writing, so I've decided to make a blog where I can develop my interests. This is my second blog but so far I can tell it will be my favorite. Drop me a comment or a message if you stop by, and I'll accept your feedback and try to make this the BEST food blog ever. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. So long... J'ai une autre chats à fouetter!